How To Tweet Like A Pro in 100 days

Posted by Are Morch - | 12:24 PM

President Obama will be measured on his first 100 days. Can we make a new beginning for ourselves in 100 days? I know that we can make a difference in 100 days.

So our first goal will be to learn how to Tweet like a Pro in 100 days.

To achieve this goal we have to make several Tweedy Steps.

1. What is Twitter all about?
Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co-workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent messages. People write short updates, often called “tweets” of 140 characters or fewer. These messages are posted to your profile or your blog, sent to your followers, and are searchable on Twittersearch.

2. Sign up for Twitter
Twitter is a free service. So this step is fairly easy. You sign up with your real name and select your username. I have seen some that say selecting a username on Twitter is like selecting a top-notch domain. At this point we are just learning about Twitter, so personally I did not put too much into it. I selected a name that was related to my blog and it was available. But you are not limited to just one Twitter account, so if you come up with a top-notch name that is available – go for it.

3. How do you use Twitter?
You need an Internet connection or a mobile phone.

4. Login into Twitter
Write your first Twitter message – or “tweet” as we like to call it. When you type your message in the Twitter box you will see the number to the top right of the box will decrease as you type. If you go over 140 characters this number will turn red. Sending a “tweet” is in someway similar to sending an SMS on your mobile phone. Just follow some basics when sending your tweets. Be friendly, informative and listen to others. Practice.. Practice.. Practice..

5. Find Friends that will follow you and that you follow back again
Twitter is social network, so it’s all about creating new friendship and also stay in touch with old friends. The simplest way to get someone to follow you is to provide them your Twitter profile – and ask them to follow you. And in return you will follow them. Sometimes it can be a good approach to do it the other way around, you start follow them, and then tell that you just followed them on Twitter and ask if they will follow you in return. There are several websites that will provide various techniques on how to grow your followers on Twitter. Just make sure that if they tell you how to get 1000, 10000 or 100 followers that you check out that actually have that many followers themselves.

This is some good basic steps to get you started on day 1. Browse around on Twitter, and you will also find great info there. For me a new beginning is to start it out slowly and make sure you learn all the basics first. This time I want to make sure I cover all details and learn them from scratch. We all have done our mistakes trying to rush into something and believe that we can achieve something we were not prepared for at all. We have to make ourselves accountable for our own actions. Media will assure that we will hold President Obama accountable after his first 100 days. But who will hold you and me accountable?

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  1. Spiralz January 26, 2009 at 6:03 PM  

    Hi, i found your blog on blog catalog! That was a very informative post. I haven't tried twitter yet. but maybe i will now.

  2. Are Morch - January 27, 2009 at 6:30 AM  

    Thanks Spiralz.

    Thanks for the comment. Twitter is one of my best sources for information now. Really have learned a lot there. I post the training to learn and remember myself and also to help others utilize Twitter as a great tool.

    Highly recommend to sign up. You will catch up with Twitter quick. And when you sign up make sure you provide me your Twitter link, and I will follow you.

    I will also visit and provide a comment on your blog.

    Cheers.. Are

  3. Jamwes January 27, 2009 at 6:40 AM  

    You have plenty of good tips here. Thank you.

  4. Are Morch - January 27, 2009 at 7:27 AM  

    Thanks Jamwes.

    By building my own Twitter knowledge base, I hope to provide others with helpful information.

    And also bring in some helpful resources that I find helpful in my work.

    I will visit and comment on your blog.

    Cheers.. Are :)