The best advice I can give if your goal is to become a top tweeter is to give to your followers with open hands – giving with closed hands makes it hard to give back in return.
Don’t hide what you know; if you know someone else will benefit from it - share it! Twitter is real time value – yesterday’s news is history – presenting today’s news on Twitter is what makes you stand out.
One word of advice; I also notice some misusage of Direct Messaging (DM’s). I am not against DM’s, but don’t send links or a note saying ‘check out this’ on your first DM to your new followers. Part of building up a good Twitter Network, is to build up trust. I have seen many top Social Coaches that stop follow new followers that start out with sending them a DM before they know them. The only time I check out links in my DM’s, is when I requested it.
Don’t get discouraged if you work on building up trust with your followers - we will check out the links you present us with in your tweets when we know and trust you.
And avoid the number one tweet mistake that will make you loose a bundle of followers – NEVER put an affiliate link in your tweet! Send your followers to your blog or website.
41. Twitter tip channel
Create your own Twitter tip channel that you can present to your followers. Here you present your followers with blogs or websites that provides great Twitter tips. You can do this presentation either through your own blog or website, or one tweet at the time. Here are some of my top Twitter tip channels;
@problogger - Darren Rowse provide some top notch Twitter tips at Twitip
@mashable - Pete Cashmore provide Twitter news with a twist at Mashable
@joelcomm - Joel Comm is the author of Twitter Power – How to Dominate Your Market One Tweet at a Time Twitter Power
@CoachDeb - Deborah Cole Micek – CoachDeb is one of the best Social Coaches on Internet Tribal Seduction
@dhollings - Dan Hollings offer probably the most extensive Twitter Secrets and Tool kits you can find Twittin’ Secrets
@pistachio - Laura Fitton provide some Twitter insight you want find anywhere else Pistachio
MrTweet - MrTweet provide training – follower incentives and Twitter information that is a must for both newbies and pros Mr. Tweet
@danzarrella Dan Zarrella provide some Twitter scripts that will kick your Tweets up a notch or two Dan Zarella
@TechCrunch Michael Arrington gives us a profile of new products and companies, and is the missing link for Twitter TechCrunch
@twitter - Just a must follow to get all the inside scoops, and make sure you read the Twitter blog
42. Check out hot topics and trends
Find out what’s going on in the Twitter sphere. The best way to find real time hot topics and trends are to visit these two great websites regularly;
a. Retweetist, and follow them at @retweetist
b. Retweetradar, and follow them at @retweetradar
43. Become a tweet giver
If you have information, products, gifts, books, ebooks, service or goods that you can give away to your followers – then start give it to them for FREE with no strings attached. We want to become Tweet savvy and use it to promote or blog, website or business. The best approach is to offer your followers something for free, and the only thing you ask in return is that they either tweet or retweet your free offer. You want to create a win-win situation.
44. Do NOT protect your updates
Twitter allows you to keep your tweets confidential. This means you have to approve the people that can see your tweets. Not quit sure why anyone want to use this option at Twitter. But it is there. I worked at as night manager at a hotel, and when my housekeepers told me there was a do not disturb sign on the door – most of the times we honored this request. And I would also go to the rooms to verify that it was correct so we did not get any complaints. So if you want to be left alone at Twitter – we will honor it. Twitter is real time live Social Networking where the people there create the news – therefore I don’t recommend use this option on Twitter.
45. Utilize Twitter books to gain more tweet power
There is no problem finding a lot of valuable information on Twitter online. But if you want to get more in debt info on Twitter I highly recommend reading some books on the subject. Power Tweets comes with knowledge. I use my books to supplement my information base, and to gain new knowledge. Here is two books I highly recommend. If you know of other valuable books – let me know! You can find the authors on Twitter at; @joelcomm - @WarrenWhitlock - @CoachDeb.
My Twitter coaching program is growing, and I earn my Twitter respect and reputation one tweet at the time. There is still a lot for me to learn. My new goal is to improve my blog presentation. That is something I will work on the next couple of weeks. So keep on Tweedling around here. Hope I can make your experience here even more valuable, and that you will refer your followers to my blog.
Your TweedyCoach,
Are Morch
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