Twitter – An online reality show!
We plunk – we gossip – we spread news – we argue – we send love – we share info – we coach – we exchange ideas – we promote events – one tweet at a time – LIVE now!
Twitter gives us a unique behind the scenes look in people’s lives. This is the fascinating thing about Twitter. I love the abundance of high quality info that I find through my followers – but I have to admit I love some of the gossip too.
Follow some of the top-notch Tweets and learn from their behaviors. Warnings don’t be copycat – that just doesn’t work. But you will get a great behind the scene info, and you might learn a thing or two.
My coaching goal is to provide you with info you can use in your Tweets today, and pass this onto your new followers and also to followers that has been with you for a time. And also achieve one great challenge – learning how to provide great tweets within 140 characters.
Using those 140 characters to guide your Twitter followers to your blog – and you then start to take advantage of the real power of Twitter.
46. Feed your blog to Twitter
If you have not got a blog yet – then now is the time! Go to Blogger or Wordpress and create you blog there Free! Twitterfeed will feed your blog updates automatic to Twitter. Warning!! Use this with caution. You don’t want to be the annoying squeaky wheel. I don’t send more then one feed per day.
47. Share a little secret with your followers
Do you use one Twitter tool that really has brought your tweets to next level – then share this with your followers. I bet you they will love you – and become loyal quality followers.
My Secret Twitter Tool: HootSuite - this is just a fantastic and revolutionary tool.
With HootSuite, you can manage multiple Twitter profiles, pre-schedule tweets, and measure your success. HootSuite lets you manage your entire Twitter experience from one easy-to-use interface.
48. Create Twitter Surveys
Surveys are a great way to collect information on a particular subject that you are interested in. And if you send your followers to your survey – you will create some buzz about it on Twitter. Set a timeframe for your Survey, and then share the results with your followers on your blog. I use a new tool I felled in love with – SocialToo - to create my surveys.
49. Put a twist to your tweets – market your Twitter profile offline
Yes Twitter is mostly about the LIVE online action. But you can also promote your profile offline in creative ways to earn new followers. If you participate in a conference – why not promote your profile on a T-shirt – zazzle.
50. Combine Twitter with other Social Media
There are many Social Media channels available on Internet. Some have up to 10 or more different social media accounts. I don’t participate in that many. But I do participate in other program then Twitter.
As you will find out I don’t use all of these active yet. Hey if you have a coaching program for one of these Social Media channels – don’t be shy – tell me!
Your TweedyCoach,
Are Morch Digg it
The best advice I can give if your goal is to become a top tweeter is to give to your followers with open hands – giving with closed hands makes it hard to give back in return.
Don’t hide what you know; if you know someone else will benefit from it - share it! Twitter is real time value – yesterday’s news is history – presenting today’s news on Twitter is what makes you stand out.
One word of advice; I also notice some misusage of Direct Messaging (DM’s). I am not against DM’s, but don’t send links or a note saying ‘check out this’ on your first DM to your new followers. Part of building up a good Twitter Network, is to build up trust. I have seen many top Social Coaches that stop follow new followers that start out with sending them a DM before they know them. The only time I check out links in my DM’s, is when I requested it.
Don’t get discouraged if you work on building up trust with your followers - we will check out the links you present us with in your tweets when we know and trust you.
And avoid the number one tweet mistake that will make you loose a bundle of followers – NEVER put an affiliate link in your tweet! Send your followers to your blog or website.
41. Twitter tip channel
Create your own Twitter tip channel that you can present to your followers. Here you present your followers with blogs or websites that provides great Twitter tips. You can do this presentation either through your own blog or website, or one tweet at the time. Here are some of my top Twitter tip channels;
@problogger - Darren Rowse provide some top notch Twitter tips at Twitip
@mashable - Pete Cashmore provide Twitter news with a twist at Mashable
@joelcomm - Joel Comm is the author of Twitter Power – How to Dominate Your Market One Tweet at a Time Twitter Power
@CoachDeb - Deborah Cole Micek – CoachDeb is one of the best Social Coaches on Internet Tribal Seduction
@dhollings - Dan Hollings offer probably the most extensive Twitter Secrets and Tool kits you can find Twittin’ Secrets
@pistachio - Laura Fitton provide some Twitter insight you want find anywhere else Pistachio
MrTweet - MrTweet provide training – follower incentives and Twitter information that is a must for both newbies and pros Mr. Tweet
@danzarrella Dan Zarrella provide some Twitter scripts that will kick your Tweets up a notch or two Dan Zarella
@TechCrunch Michael Arrington gives us a profile of new products and companies, and is the missing link for Twitter TechCrunch
@twitter - Just a must follow to get all the inside scoops, and make sure you read the Twitter blog
42. Check out hot topics and trends
Find out what’s going on in the Twitter sphere. The best way to find real time hot topics and trends are to visit these two great websites regularly;
a. Retweetist, and follow them at @retweetist
b. Retweetradar, and follow them at @retweetradar
43. Become a tweet giver
If you have information, products, gifts, books, ebooks, service or goods that you can give away to your followers – then start give it to them for FREE with no strings attached. We want to become Tweet savvy and use it to promote or blog, website or business. The best approach is to offer your followers something for free, and the only thing you ask in return is that they either tweet or retweet your free offer. You want to create a win-win situation.
44. Do NOT protect your updates
Twitter allows you to keep your tweets confidential. This means you have to approve the people that can see your tweets. Not quit sure why anyone want to use this option at Twitter. But it is there. I worked at as night manager at a hotel, and when my housekeepers told me there was a do not disturb sign on the door – most of the times we honored this request. And I would also go to the rooms to verify that it was correct so we did not get any complaints. So if you want to be left alone at Twitter – we will honor it. Twitter is real time live Social Networking where the people there create the news – therefore I don’t recommend use this option on Twitter.
45. Utilize Twitter books to gain more tweet power
There is no problem finding a lot of valuable information on Twitter online. But if you want to get more in debt info on Twitter I highly recommend reading some books on the subject. Power Tweets comes with knowledge. I use my books to supplement my information base, and to gain new knowledge. Here is two books I highly recommend. If you know of other valuable books – let me know! You can find the authors on Twitter at; @joelcomm - @WarrenWhitlock - @CoachDeb.
My Twitter coaching program is growing, and I earn my Twitter respect and reputation one tweet at the time. There is still a lot for me to learn. My new goal is to improve my blog presentation. That is something I will work on the next couple of weeks. So keep on Tweedling around here. Hope I can make your experience here even more valuable, and that you will refer your followers to my blog.
Your TweedyCoach,
Are Morch
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After two weeks sliding a little out of my main topic, I am tweeding myself back to tweet basics.
Thanks for all kind of Tweet feedback – both positive and negative. Hey if you can’t handle negative feedback then you are not motivated for a new beginning.
Did get some feedback that you can learn How To Tweet in one day getting some books on quotes, watch some comedy and Retweet some good people. I don’t disagree that you can learn How To Tweet in one day. Basic conversation on Twitter basically require that you are polite and don’t spam.
Twitter authorities that is highly recognized and more then likely get a high volume of tweet buzz after they send out a tweet did not achieve this recognition over night.
To me they did what it took to get them where they are today. For me this coaching program is all about doing what it takes to achieve my goals, and help you achieve yours. We want to go behind the scenes of sending a tweet that achieve high amounts of tweet buzz and rank high on ReTweets.
Yesterday I was watching and chatting with several Twitter authorities on Tweet-A-Thon 2009. What a blast it was. Learning from some of the Twitter masters is just something you can’t put a prize on. My goal will be to do a blog interview with one or more of these profiles – so keep tweedling here…
36. Tweets and Google
Google provides some of the best tools for your Tweets. iGoogle is a absolute must if you want to move your tweets to the next level. You can also send tweets from iGoogle. And if you don’t have Gmail yet then sign up now – it’s free and a tweety must. Google has some great statistic and other tools that help analyze your efforts. This is great tools both for newbies and pros.
37. Who’s tweetin about you
Find out who is tweetin about you is really helpful for your Twitter growth. This is not very tricky. TweetBeep keeps track of conversations that mention you, your products, your company, anything, with hourly updates.
38. Add #hashtags to your tweets
Hashtags are tags presented by the # sign. They are used to track data about certain subjects. With Twitter search you can keep track of responses to a certain # in real time. Visit - and here you can find some of the most common #hastags used. Start organize some of your tweets with a #hastag.
39. Twitter lingo
Not familiar with the entire Twitter lingo yet? Then view the Twitter Glossary. Also to kick your tweets up a notch learn some Twitter Etiquette. And view and share Twitter in plain English with your followers.
40. Customer support and service
Tweet with the attitude on ‘How Can I help you?’ If you give to your followers with and open hand then you will receive in abundance back again. Don’t be afraid to share your information for free. If you know something that you think your followers can benefit from – let them know for free. Don’t send them some affiliate link to sign up with. You want to build trust, and remember this is all about a new beginning – so get rid of those old habits that did not work.
Remember if you make one bad tweet it takes at least 10 good tweets to get your tweet reputation stabilized again.
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February 14 is Valentines day – this a day where we express love for each other. Can you learn and grow on Twitter expressing your love with someone. To me true love comes from your hart. You do crazy stuff when you follow the passion of your hart.
Can we adapt this passion into a new beginning?
Yes we can! And now I learned that not only can we do it, but we should also do it to learn from our mistakes.
I goofed several times on Twitter, but I have two times that stands out for me. First I jumped into a phishing DM with both feet’s. And then I jumped into a follower pyramid.
I learned that it made my follower base more vulnerable and it was effecting my own Twitter reputation. So lesson learned – Twitter is still young and vulnerable – and if it sounds to good to be true then it probably is.
What did I learn from these experiences?
That Twitter is attached to LOVE, and when I lose my passion then I get off track.
L – Twitter listener
You can learn a lot from being an active Twitter listener. Most of the tweets are real time so make a Twitter note when you see an informative tweet. And then share it with us by sending it as retweet. Top-notch tweets will get a lot of attention on Twitter.
O – Twitter observer
Observe and discover the facts behind a Tweet. Don’t jump to fast into a hot tweet just to learn that it will come back as Twitter boomerang and hit you in the head.
V – Twitter virgin
If you are Twitter newbie/virgin then tell us so. Many newbies do the same mistake – not telling that they are new to Twitter. But when you have been active on Twitter for one month or two you are not a Twitter virgin any more.
E – Twitter expert
An expert will provide you with your Twitter knowledge and help you develop your Twitter skills in the right direction.
I’m reading @joelcomm excellent book; Twitter Power: How To Dominate Your Market One Tweet at a Time. Not only is a great book but ten percent of author proceeds for this book goes to
Share your Twitter LOVE with someone you care about - Link Love or gift wrap your tweet.
I’ll send all my friends in my Twitterville community some Tweedy Roses – make sure you tell someone you LOVE them and care about them.
Tweet Love ;)
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So far we focused on learning how to tweet. Now we want to expand our perspective and look on how we can use Twitter as an incredible tool. One of the main questions you should start ask yourself now is “Why should I use Twitter?”
The reasons can be many;
- Just want to meet new friends
- Build a niche network
- Promote my blog or/and website
- Customer support
- Breaking News
- Education
- Information
- Political
- Campaigning
- Announce an event
- Announce your book release
- Announce your software release
- Announce any special offers/discounts
- Inform about charity
- Inform about church
- Job alerts
- Quit some destructive habits
- Publish a picture
- Set the facts straight
- Stay in touch with employees and customers
- Research
- Be part of an online movement
You can utilize Twitter in so many incredible ways; the only thing that will stop you is your own imagination. Twitter is a great tool to start a New Beginning; don’t let your imagination be the roadblock.
31. Ask – Why Should I use Twitter?
Plan your Twitter road map. It’s like any event you plan- you know your purpose. You should also know your purpose with Twitter.
32. Start thinking how you can monetize your Twitter efforts
Monetization is about adapting non-generating assets to generate revenue. Failure to monetize web sites was a problem that caused many businesses to fold during the dot-com burst. Web sites that do generate revenue are often monetized via advertisements or subscription fees.
One of the main things I use Twitter for is to promote my blog. At my blog I focus on using advertising that is complementary to my niche.
Advertising is an art in itself. Starting a blog and put out some ads does not mean you will start see revenue from these. Escpecially when you are new to blogging. It’s a lot about trail and error.
I select various spots on my blog and keep the ad there for a certain time frame and then see how it perform. Then I move it to a different position and follow the same scenario. I use also a free tool Sitemeter - to track traffic to my blog. This way I also get an idea of how traffic effects the amount of clicks on my ad.
But everytime I a see a blog that I belive has a good ad approach I bookmark this, and then work on transform it to my blog.
If you are like me – not an marketing expert – this will require a lot of practice. And make sure you keep track of your results to find out what is working. One of my biggest mistakes I did was not keeping track of what I had done to promote my blog. Had one day I noticed a lot of traffic and several clicks to my ads – and I had no clue why. Don’t do this mistake – because it is hard to replicate a success when you are new if you don’t keep good records.
33. Find yourself a Twitter accountability partner or network
In the News we see a lot of CEOs, Wall Street executives, Banks, Mortgage lenders, Crditcard companies gone wild. There has been very little accountability put in place to control peoples actions or lack of actions. And we have to phase it you and me has also gone a little wild. Now it is time to be accountable for our action or lack of actions. I’m not perfect and I have done my share of mistakes(don’t tell my wife I said so…). This training is all about a New Beginning. It’s time to find someone to partner with on Twitter that can be your accountability partner. You can’t do everything alone. And it will be great to have someone that can give you constructive critiques either on your blog, website or on your tweets. Plus you have someone you can ask for help - and visa versa.
34. Mindmap your Twitter plan
Mind mapping is a great way to plan your Twitter approach. I use Edraw Mindmap. It’s free, and I just loved all the cool and great symbols they had available. This works great for me especially since my short-term memory is very SHORT…
35. Create a Twitter Brand name
Many of the top Twitter users have been able to create a Twitter Brand name for themselves. This make them stand out, and every time the post a tweet it will get attentions plus many clicks on their links. And almost every day they are among the top people on Retweetist. They almost are guaranteed to get a retweet. The things you and me need to work on here is;
- Attractive
- Attention
- Recognize
- Stand out
- Remember
- Distinguish
- Product
- Profile
- Informative
- Instructive
- Humor
- Bold
“If you do the things you need when you need to do them, then someday you can do the things you wan to do when you want to do them.” ~ Zig Ziglar ~
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I was reading an article on TwiTip about how to Improve Your Twitter Network by Avoiding Stereotypes.
This shows some of the importance of planning your Twitter strategy. You will come to a point on Twitter where you will experience some setbacks. Be prepared for these setbacks. There will be followers that drop out on you for various reasons. This can also be one of the side effects of auto following.
Many Twitter users have set up for auto follow on every one that follows them. I have done this for a while myself. But as my Twitter community has grown I see that I need to a better control of my network.
Tweedy steps for day 6:
26. Control your Twitter network
If you are using auto follow options then now it is time to consider putting it on hold. Controlling it is not too hard. I will use a watch strategy. Daily I use about 30 minutes to check out who I am following – who is following me – who is not following me – who are my fans – who are my new followers. I will check their profile and also go through some of their tweets. The tool I will use to do this is FriendOrFollow. And also use Qwitter to see which followers that choose to unfollow you.
27. Don’t forget about your Twitter appearance
I still see many that don’t use any images on their Twitter profile. Appearance is important if you want to utilize Twitter to full extent. As we start filter out on our followers/unfollowers it is important to provide something that identify you and make it easier to promote your self towards new followers. If you want to stand out and want to promote either a blog or your website – then don’t be shy. Let us know who you are. And also use Twitpic to share some photos with your followers.
28. Getting Retweets
Retweets is what makes your tweets go viral. For us newbies this is complex and demands practice. You can get one or two Retweets in the first couple of months depending on the quality of the tweet and the link you provide. To learn more about how to get a Retweet check out Dan Zarrela’s article The 20 Words and Phrases That Will Get You the Most ReTweets. Use his advice combined with Tweetburner to keep track of how many clicks you get on your link, and then see how many retweets you get. When you get a stronger Network and build up your trust among your followers – bigger chance you have to achieve a Retweet. And when someone gives you a Retweet – send him or her a thank you note.
29. Share your Twitter link
Get your Twitter link out there. Share it on all social networks you are part of. And if you are active on forums then tell them where to go for some cool tweets. Start put your Twitter link in your emails. If you have a business card then put it on there. And of course if you have a blog or website then you put it out there. Anytime you make a comment on a blog or website, then put your Twitter link there. Plus start share your followers link on Twitter every Friday. Every Friday there is a game on Twitter where you can present some of your followers that you think others can benefit from. It’s called #followfriday – when you see this in a tweet just click on it and you will see several recommendations. If you do it for your followers – they will do it for you.
30. Work on your Twitter Toolkit
There are a lot of tools out there to help you with your Twitter appearance. Here is short list of some of the tools I have mentioned:
a. Gmail
b. Tweetlater
c. Tweetdeck
d. My Twitter Toolbar
e. Twittercounter
f. FriendOrFollow
g. Twitter Search
h. Twellow
i. Qwitter
j. MyTweetSpace
k. Blogger
l. Blogcatalog
m. Tweetburner
n. Twitpic
By now we are starting to see a difference in our Twitter appearance. And we experience more feedback from our followers. It’s all about asking ‘How can I help you?’, participating, giving back, share information, appearance, persistence and patience. When you experience setbacks or some Twitter adversity then take a break – sit down – go over your Twitter plan and goals – rewind – and go back over previous steps – you never will get something for doing nothing. Take the proper action steps to get you back on track again.
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Twitter is growing like crazy. Traffic to Twitter has increased ten-fold (947%) from January 2008 to mid-January 2009, making it one of the fastest-growing websites of the year, according to Hitwise UK.
This gives us little glimpse of the Social Network movement that we are part of. Twitter will change the way we operate online. We already see a lot of business starting to utilize Twitter to promote their business. The opportunities on Twitter are beyond the sky.
You are here at the right time. It’s time to join this Social Network movement. Be Twitterrized! Follow me at: @ecomind.
Tweedy steps for day 5:
21. Make your Twitter background stand out
It’s time to get a little more professional on our Twitter presentation. Get yourself a Twitter background that stands out. There are several great free options out there. I used MyTweetSpace. I loved their templates. But you can also Google ‘Free Background for Twitter”. There are plenty of good options out there.
22. Profile – Profile – Profile
In Real Estate it is all about location – location – location. Twitter is more about profile – profile – profile. On Twitter you have 160 characters for your profile. And also you can put in a link to your blog or website. I now matched my Twitter and Blog profile. This to better define my niche and what my interests are. My profile I have updated one time during my journey so far. My profile is a result of my own learning experience and reading other informative tweets on Twitter.
23. Utilizing Twitter together with a blog
Twitter is a gateway to new opportunities. You have to make sure there is something on the other side. Create a blog where you write about your passion or area of expertise. You can create a free blog with Blogger and Wordpress. And start ask your Twitter friends ‘How Can I Help You?’. Visit your follower’s blog to get ideas and inspiration. If you see something you like bookmark it and leave a comment on their blog. Many blogs allows you to put in your own blog link and Twitter link with your comments. Personally when I see an article I like I start out with a comment, then I bookmark the article and then I tweet the link to the article to share it with my followers.
24. Find Twitter on Facebook
You can find Twitter groups on Facebook. At Facebook just do a search for ‘Twitter’ under groups. This I highly recommend. Here I found several great Twitter groups and a lot of great followers. And I found some very informative material about Twitter at Facebook. My goal here is to create my own Twitter fan page there. Has to create something that is unique and fit in with profile and niche here. If you are not signed up with Facebook yet, then visit me at Facebook.
25. Think outside the box
To grow Twitter and your new blog you should look into to programs that are complementary to each other. This means finding program that support each other. Like I use Twitter to support my blog. And I also use my blog to promote my Twitter link. Facebook I use to support both Twitter and my blog. Another great tool I now use to support Twitter and my blog is blogcatalog. This tool is just awesome, and their service is top notch! Make sure you also follow them in Twitter at @blogcatalog.
Tell them that I sent you there.. :)
If you are not convinced about the effect of Twitter yet then read this article Dawn of the Twitter effect. Tells you how one Tweet overloaded one blog with traffic. And make sure you follow @mashable – maybe your blog will be Mashed and Crashed one of these days.
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Twitter is just awesome! Thanks to all my Twitter followers and friends for all the great feedback and response I have got. I am really humble and feel privileged to being part of creating a new beginning for so many.
Twitter will help create a new era for you and me. We will coach each other through an exceptional experience for all of us. It’s all about participating and giving something back.
Tweedy steps for day 4:
16. Bookmark – Favorite and Group your Tweets
Tweetdeck and Tweetlater are great tool to help you organize your tweets. But you also have to do your part. I always recommend to bookmark informative links. And organize these links in Favorite folders at your browser. And also use Tweetdeck to organize your tweets in group and put informative Tweets in your Favorite at Tweetdeck. Your followers can through Twitter see your favorites.
17. Find your Twitter niche
Finding your Twitter niche can be tricky, but if you find a niche or subject that you are passionate about it will make you stand out. And this way it will be easier to find followers that will recommend you to others. I used Twellow to search my niche and to help finding others that share the same interests as me.
18. Create a Twitter Plan
Tweeting all day can be fun enough, but you need a plan with it. Else you never will be able to use Twitter to its full capacity. If you have a blog, web site or a online business make sure you connect this with your tweets. I put my Twitter all over my blog. Now I also have found options to either tweet or retweet my articles. Don’t make your Twitter plan to complicated.
a. Sign up for Twitter
b. Find followers
c. Start tweeting
d. Organize my tweets
e. Find my twitter niche
f. Combine twitter with my blog
Be creative and set up your own Twitter plan as you would set up an shopping list. We will have as a goal to create a professional Twitter plan within 100 days.
19. Unfollow/Follow – Who are you following and are they following you?
When you Twitter starts getting fairly large then it can be ok to check out who you are following that don’t follow you. And also the other way who are following you, but you are not following them. I have several that I follow that provide some great insight on Twitter, but they don’t follow me back. But I am not stopping to follow them just because they don’t follow me. When I see someone that I follow that don’t provide the information I’m looking for then I keep them under ‘watch’ for a couple of weeks. And then I determine if it still is worth follow them. All of us was new to Twitter at one point, and my goal is not to scare those that are new away, but to come here for learning, express and share their thoughts.
The tool I use for help myself updated on followers is FriendOrFollow.
20. Filter information through Twitter search
Twitter Search is great way to find real-time info on Twitter. I actually use Twitter Search to search up subjects of interest, and see if I can find new people to follow there. You can use various search operators - Twitter Search Operators. These will help you find what you are looking for. The first thing I did on Twitter Search was to write in my Twitter username and hit search. This gives you a basic idea on some of the information you can find there. I find this tool very helpful. To begin with I just suggest to try and fail. Sometimes you will see certain words in a tweet that has a hashtag(#) in front of them. Click on these words just to see what happens. We will get more into how to group words in your tweets so they show up on Twitter Search.
“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself” ~ Andy Warhole ~
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