Staying focused and learning better Twitter. Time management is very important. But also have some fun while working with Twitter. I did watch a story on the news today about kids that was sending over 30,000 text messages per month. How many tweets should you send per day?

Tweedy steps for day 3:

11. Add some statistic to your tweets
As you keep growing your Twitter community it is really recommended that your keep track on your growth. Twittercounter is a great tool to keep track of your Twitter growth. I also use this tool to find new followers.

12. Do NOT spam!
Nobody likes a spammer. It’s ok to tweet links to your blog or other web sites you think will benefit your followers. But don’t put your affiliate links in a tweet. More then likely you will find that words will spread and your friends will start unfollow you.

13. Recommend your friends to the Twitter community
When someone is new to Twitter then introduce them to the Twitter community. Say something like; Hi friends. Take time to meet my new friend @yourfriend.

I also recommend that you share with the Twitter community people you follow that you think others will benefit from.

14. Use Twitter time management tools wisely
Tweetlater is a great Twitter time management tool. You can schedule your tweets there. But I do NOT recommend to auto post tweets. More then likely you will then also risk that your friends will start unfollow you.

15. Post your Twitter Top Followers List
It does not hurt to brag and share with the Twitter community some of the cool people you follow.

My cool Tweedies:
@barackobama - Hey President Obama is on Twitter - so why not follow him. The cool things are that he will follow you back again.
@schwarzenegger - Governor Schwarzenegger also provide some great info – cool to follow.
@harleydavidson If you are Born To Ride then just follow…
@problogger - Darren Rowse is one of the top notch people to follow on Twitter. You can’t go wrong on follow him his tips are just awesome.
@danzarella - Dan Zarella provide some awesome Twitter scripts.
@JesseNewhart - Jesse Newhart is one of my favorite friends. You can really learn a lot from his tweets.
@MrTweet - MrTweet is great to follow – gives you suggestions and updates on potential new followers.
@sugarjones - What can I say – I just love her tweets..
@skinnyjeans - When can you say it is sexy to follow someone on Twitter?
@stephenfry - You gotta follow someone that has this many followers..

I have some great people in my Twitter community, and they for sure are providing some great contribution helping out with my new beginning.

Twitter officially rocks!

Check out:
Day 1
Day 2

Come Tweet with me at:



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  1. 3L March 4, 2009 at 11:58 AM  

    I forget to post comments because your post have me so busy. I just wanted to take the time to say thank you. I am new to the internet world and can easily get overwhelmed by learning new things that I am not comfortable with (like tech or marketing related).

    Your steps are so easy to understand that I can read and instantly put things into practice. Thank you so much for this wonderful series.